Friday, 17 June 2011

Hungry Hungry Hippos

Mama took us down to the Chobe River (the first of many times to come). We were all very hesitant to get close to the edge as on the walk down she had told us stories of the hippopotamus and crocodiles commonly coming up on the shore where we were and pointing out the clearly defined path of a hippo, smoothed grass and knocked down trees five feet across. When asked if she had ever seem a Hippo she laughed and responded “OH yes! One time when we were kids playing in the river a Hippo came right out of the water between my friends and chased us.” I cannot imagine a Hippo running. But apparently they can run quite fast, up to 40km/hr! After her story and being quite concerned about what to do in the case of a charging Hippo. Mama taught us the proper technique of Hippo running. The trick is to run from side to side making as many turns as possible. This is because the Hippos have such short legs that it takes them a long time to turn. Run straight and your dead. Hippos are the most vicious mammals.

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